The director of the Georgia Anti-Corruption Office visits the Agency

València. november 13, 2023.- Razhden Kuprashvili, director of the Georgia Anti-Corruption Office, has visited the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency to learn about its operation. Georgia is currently immersed in the process of integration into the European Union and is being evaluated by the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe to learn about the legislation and active policies it is developing in the fight against corruption. The Georgia Office has been recently created and with this visit they wanted to learn about the operation of the Valencian Agency and its experience in the field of investigation, training and protection of people who report corruption. Staff from the different areas of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency have given a presentation of the work they do.

#DocuforumAVAF present for the first time in the Economics degree at the University of Valencia


Valencia. – November 9, 2023.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, with the training activity “Docuforum AVAF: Corruption: harmful organism”, carries out the first training activity in the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia to discuss fraud and the fight against corruption with university students.

With the celebration of this #DocuforumAVAF, the AVAF resumes its awareness-raising and dissemination activities of its prevention work in Valencian universities in this academic year 2023 – 2024.

With the aim of participating in the empowerment of youth in matters of integrity, the Agency participates in the #UnitedAgaintsCorruption #UnidosContraLaCorrupción celebration on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the 2023 United Nations Convention against Corruption.

The protagonists of the learning experience have been the first-year students of the subject of Learning Instruments and Techniques of the Degree in Economics of the University of Valencia, thanks to the collaboration of Professor Vicente Zamorano.

The “Docuforum AVAF” activity is held in two sessions. The first of them involves watching the Pandora Box TV documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism” in the classroom. Afterwards, the students express their doubts and questions about the issues raised in the documentary.

On Thursday, November 9, Anselm Bodoque, head of the AVAF Training Service, organized a debate in two sessions, morning and afternoon, for nearly 150 students around the doubts of those present regarding the social and economic costs of corruption, strategies to combat corruption and the work of the Agency in the Valencian Community.

If you are a university, high school or 4th year ESO teacher in the Valencian Community and are interested in having the training activity “Docuforum: Corruption, harmful organism” carried out in your classroom, do not hesitate to contact the training service of the Valencian Antifraud Agency through

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency presents its mechanisms to strengthen integrity at the X NovaGob 2023 Congress in Madrid


Madrid.- November 7, 2023.

Pilar Moreno García, AVAF training technician, participated as a speaker at the 10th Ibero-American Public Innovation Congress NOVAGOB 2023, held in Madrid on November 7 and 8, 2023.

The round table “Mechanisms to strengthen public integrity and the fight against corruption” organized by the General Directorate of Public Governance, of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, brought together experts on the subject from the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Andalusian Anti-Fraud Office, the General Directorate of Public Governance, Government of Spain and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency itself.

The AVAF training technique highlighted the work of preventing corruption through the recommendations, guides and catalogs available on the AVAF website , the impact of the training carried out by the Agency, as well as the necessary communication and dissemination of the mechanisms to promote integrity between public employees and citizens in general.

The more than 70 attendees at the round table had the opportunity to learn about the AVAF’s efforts in promoting public integrity and the training and awareness actions carried out by the Agency in schools, institutes, universities and public entities.

The 10th NOVAGOB 2023 Congress has brought together more than 160 speakers and fifty sessions in La Nave, with a registration of more than 1,000 public innovators from the General State Administration, Autonomous Communities and Local Entities and professionals from the private sector.

At the I NovaGob Book Fair held at this congress, the “Integrity Code of the Valencian Community” was also available for all people interested in the matter.

If you wish to have specialized training in integrity and prevention of corruption in your public administration, do not hesitate to write to

Photographs by Fran Delgado (NovaGob)