I Seminar on European Models of anti-corruption agencies: Experiences from Italy and Portugal

On May 30, at the headquarters of the Valencian Antifraud Agency, organized by Mrs. Silvia Vernia, director of Prevention, training and documentation, the first seminar on “European models of anti-corruption agencies: experiences from Italy and Portugal”, with experts from Italy and Portugal.

After the presentation made by the Director of the Agency, Mr. Joan Llinares, the speakers’ intervention was made.

The first, carried out by Luis Manuel Macedo Pinto De Sousa, from the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, dealt with the “Corruption risk assessment and prevention plans in Portugal”.

The second presentation dealt with the “Italian Experience of ANAC and Anti-Corruption Plans” which was presented by Luigi Foffani, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Modena and Region of Emilia

After the presentation of both papers, an interesting question time was opened with the Agency staff.

Conference “Strategies for integrity in public management”

The Valencian Antifraud Agency with the Valencian Institute of Public Administration (IVAP) organize the Seminar
“Strategies for integrity in public management”. València October 4, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The event will take place in the main hall of the IVAP headquarters, Palacio de la Pineda, Plaza de Carme, No. 4, Valencia.

The conference is part of the second call of the IVAP 2018 Training Plan -code 1889- “Strategies for integrity in public management” to learn about and discuss the different strategies and good practices to develop a coherent system in matters of public integrity .

Those interested in participating who are public employees of the Administration of the Generalitat managed by the Directorate of Public Function, may register through the IVAP page, within the section request for vacancies

The rest of the people interested in participating in the day, can make the registration to the form at the bottom.

Applications can be sent until September 28, 2018. To adapt the demand to the available capacity, attendance will be confirmed to interested persons.

Acess the Conference Program

Francisco Cardona international expert in anti-corruption policies

On the occasion of the start of the 208/2019 academic year, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency held a training session on “The Anti-Fraud Agency and its consolidation” on September 24.

The introduction was given by the director of the Agency, Mr. Joan Llinares. The conference was conducted by Mr. Francisco Cardona, an international expert in the design and evaluation of the public function and reforms related to anti-corruption policy and institutional consolidation.

Mr. Cardona was the main administrator of the OECD, and currently collaborates as an external consultant with various international and supranational institutions.

The event was attended by Agency officials and, after their intervention, a question time was opened.