Unisocietat Conference in Requena, June 3, 2021
Within the collaboration agreement between the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and the University of València, the conference “The financial system and Covid-19” took place in Requena on June 3, given by the professor of Commercial Law at the University of València, Jaume Martí Miravalls.
The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency regularly participates in the Unisocietat program because it is an instrument to carry out training activities in a decentralized manner where the citizens of the different regions and localities of the Valencian territory are the protagonists of the debates and reflections that are generated.
Anselm Bodoque, Head of the AVAF Training Service, presented the activity and Professor Jaume Martí analyzed the extraordinary measures adopted to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Spanish financial system, based on general economic and legal budgets . After a brief explanation of the financial system, its regulation and classification, Professor Martí stopped on some of the main measures adopted, singularly, in the credit and securities market, and to avoid fraudulent situations.
The conference was face-to-face, respecting the anticovid measures stipulated by the pandemic. The attendees, 15 people from the UNISOCIETAT program in Requena promoted by the Office of the Vice President for Territorial Projection and Society of the University of Valencia, participated in the debate and showed great interest in the repercussions that the financial system has on people’s daily lives.
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