December 9, International Day Against Corruption

The Valencian Antifraud Agency organizes a Conference on the recently published European Directive on December 9; the day the United Nations celebrates the International Day Against Corruption under the slogan “United against corruption for development, peace and security”.

The Conference, in the afternoon session, will take place in the Assembly Hall of the University-Business Foundation of the University of Valencia (ADEIT), located in Plaza Virgen de la Paz, no. 3 of Valencia, based on a presentation about the meaning of December 9, as the United Nations International Day Against Corruption, two conferences and a final debate.

The objective of this session, which will run from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., is to present the main novelties of the new European framework in terms of protection to people who report or warn of facts or conduct that may be considered fraud , corruption or contrary to the public interest, and analyze the role of recent Anti-Fraud Agencies in this matter and in the establishment of secure channels for receiving complaints.

The program of the Conference is as follows:

15:30. Attendee credentials.
16:00 – 16:30. Presentation by Mr. Juan Carlos Galindo, President of Aseblac and member of the Agency’s Participation Council. Next, introduction by Mr. Hervé Falciani, Systems Engineer and member of the Participation Council, Artificial Intelligence in the fight against corruption.
16:30 – 17:15. Conference no. 1: Object and scope of the European Directive and its impact on the Spanish legal system, by Ms. Teresa Clemente García, Director of Legal Affairs of the Agency.
17:15 – 17:45. Break / Coffee.
17:45 – 18:30. Conference no. 2: The role of Anti-Fraud Agencies in the implementation of secure reporting systems and in the protection of reporting persons, led by Mr. Joan A. Llinares Gómez, General Director of the Agency.
18:30 – 19:30. Discussion moderated by Mr. Hervé Falciani.
19:30 – 20:00. Closing of the Conference by Mr. Hervé Falciani and Mr. Joan A. Llinares Gómez.

The Conference is aimed at personnel at the service of all public administrations and their related public sector, as well as their authorities or representatives, elected and unelected positions. It also targets the general public who may be interested in your content.

Registration for this Conference will be made by request addressed to the email address with personal data (name and surname), contact email address, and where appropriate, entity and position or position where services are provided. Said registration will give the right to attendance until the capacity is covered and to the issuance of an attendance certificate to those who request it.

Video of the recording of the Conference on the United Nations International Day against Corruption


The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency in the presentation of the Focus Group on the effects of the application of the Transparency Law

The main objective of the conference is to create and consolidate a discussion group on transparency and the quality of information from public administrations, making a diagnosis of the current situation of compliance with transparency in local administrations of the Valencian Community; identification of the challenges for the period 2019-2023, models, methodologies and instruments to improve the quality of this information.

It is intended to analyze and make proposals by answering the following questions:

  • What role can Infoparticipa have in the Valencian Community to respond to the current challenges of transparency and quality of information?
  • How can Infoparticipa collaborate with other actors, to promote transparency and the human quality of the information?
  • How to enhance the public utility of Infoparticipa and advance in the objective of turning it into a reference index for local public administrations in Spain, and define new objectives for 2019 to 2023?

In the conference, presented by the director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Antoni Llinares and by the co-director of the Observatory of Governance, Transparency and CSR of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University, Hugo Aznar, they spoke about the New indicators and the Media Map by Marta Corcoy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) team.

The Conference has been organized by the Observatory of Governance, Transparency and CSR of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University and by the Laboratory of Journalism and Communication for Plural Citizenship of the Autonomous University of Barcelona with the collaboration of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.

Event «The protection of informants, alerters or whistleblowers does not admit delay» of the CNMC

The National Markets and Competition Commission together with the Blueprint for Free Speech held on Thursday February 13 at 10 am the event entitled “The protection of whistleblowers, whistleblowers or whistleblowers does not admit delay.”

The transposition of the European Directive for the protection of whistleblowers will focus this act, which aims to support all those who disclose irregularities in both the public and private sectors.

The Director of the Agency, Mr. Joan Llinares, participates with an intervention entitled “Information and communication channels: internal-external, private-public”.

You can check the program by following this link.