VI Meeting of the Network of Anti-Corruption Offices and Agencies

With the participation of:

Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community

Anti-fraud Office of Catalonia

Office of Prevention and Rain against Corruption in the Balearic Islands

Barcelona City Council Office of Transparency and Practical Bones

Municipal Office against Fraud and Corruption of the Madrid City Council

Canary Islands Accounts Hearing

Consello de Contas de Galicia

AMB Transparency Agency

National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service – SNCA

Independent Office for Procurement Regulation and Supervision – OIRESCON

And for the first time

National Commission for Markets and Competition

Seasonal University in Xàtiva. Conference presented and sponsored by the AVAF

‘Is data a gold mine? Basic rules to protect our privacy ‘; Mr. Ricard Martínez Martínez; Professor in the Department of Constitutional Law, Political Science and Administration and Director of the Chair of Privacy and Digital Transformation. Within the conference “The objectives of sustainable development and application of virtual reality in cultural destinations.”