Dialogues at Avaf with Ernesto Ekaizer

Webinar organized by the Valencian Antifraud Agency for the “Dialogues” space.
On this occasion the guest is the Argentine journalist and writer Ernesto Ekaizer who, together with the director of the Agency, Joan Llinares, spoke about Ekaizer’s latest book “El rey al desnudo. Historia de un fraude”

You can also listen to it on our channels:

Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/60mNiVFCIxQbIdurlnPKSz

ivoox ➡️ https://www.ivoox.com/dialogos-ernesto-ekaizer-audios-mp3_rf_86322576_1.html

Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1468165964

Debate on the prevention and fight against corruption in the classrooms of the Universitat Jaume I


The AVAF maintains its proposal for public debates with future professionals through training actions that reinforce public ethics to reinforce the culture of prevention and fight against any conduct that encourages fraud and corruption.

Thus, on April 27, a new activity was carried out in the university classrooms, this time with the students of the subject Protection of citizens against the Administration, from the second year of the Degree in Management and Public Administration of the Universitat Jaume I Castelló, thanks to the collaboration and participation of Professor Isabel Fabregat.

After seeing the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism”, the students who star in the training experience ask questions and propose action, focused on the origin and causes of corruption, its effect and costs, the perception of corruption in our society and with respect to other countries around us, what to do in cases of corruption. Questions that were answered by Marita Oliver, AVAF training technician.

The debate with the students allows them to reflect on the ethical limits and micro-corruption and fraud, which every professional encounters throughout their lives, as well as possible conflicts of interest. On this occasion, in addition, the students showed a special interest in reporting and protecting whistleblowers, given the characteristics of the subject.

The discussion also served to affirm the need to reinforce public ethics and integrity, as well as prevention and civic education, and the rest of the functions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.

Note, finally, that the students insisted on the importance of the media and institutional communication as a factor that modulates the social perception of corruption, as well as the information provided on the different cases.

This activity has been organized in collaboration with the Jaime I University of Castellón, which we thank for its interest and willingness to help create a culture of public integrity and rejection of fraud and corruption.

“Warning systems and integrity in public management” the first course of the Valencian Antifraud Agency in the Diputación de Valencia.


On March 30, 31 and April 5, 7 and 12, the sessions of the first course prepared and taught by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency included in the General Training Plan 2022 of the Valencia Provincial Council were held. The 15-hour online course has had AVAF staff as teachers and in which a face-to-face workshop was held at ADEIT.

Joan Llinares, director of the AVAF, oversaw opening the course with an open and online conference “The institutional system against corruption in Spain: The Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community: origin, functions and independence” which was followed by more than 70 public employees (local technical staff, national authorized personnel and employees of the Diputación de Valencia itself)

Initiatives to prevent fraud and corruption in public management was the subject of the second session of the course, given on this occasion by Irene Bravo, head of Prevention at AVAF. On that day of the course, the 24 selected students had the opportunity to learn in detail about the AVAF Guide regarding the need for public integrity plans. Access and download at the following link: https://www.antifraucv.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/12_220311_Actualizacion_Guia_avaf_plan_de_integridad_publica.pdf.

Marita Oliver, AVAF training technician, focused the second part of the session on April 5, on the following phases of the cycle of the fight against corruption: Alerts, complaints and investigations. The complaints mailbox of the Valencian Antifraud Agency, as an external complaint channel, was presented in detail for the information of the course participants.

The costs of corruption and public policies against corruption in Europe and Spain, was the session given by Anselm Bodoque, head of the AVAF Training Service, which allowed an approach to institutional quality studies.

The face-to-face workshop for the course “Public integrity and the detection of the most common risks” took place at the ADEIT on April 12, led by Anselm Bodoque Arribas, Pilar Moreno García and Marita Oliver Carbonell, training staff from the HVA.

The viewing of the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism” by Pandora Box and “Public Management Planning: Good Governance Tool” prepared by the AVAF in collaboration with the University of Valencia, allowed a very enriching individual and group debate and reflection about the public administration in relation to integrity, prevention of corruption, risks of fraud and planning in public management.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Training Service of the Valencia Provincial Council, the AVAF has had the opportunity to share with the 24 selected students, public employees of the local administration of the province of Valencia and the provincial council itself, the importance of the integrity plans, the institutional system to fight corruption and the anti-fraud cycle, among others, which we hope has been of interest to the students.

We invite you to watch the interview with Joan Llinares, director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency within the framework of the course: “Warning Systems and Integrity in Public Management”, included in the General Training Plan 2022 of the Valencia Provincial Council. #FormacióDival

https://formacion.dival.es/blog/index.php/2022/04/22/video-entrevista-a-joan-llinares-director-de-la-agencia-valenciana-antifraude-ponente-del-curso- alert-systems-and-integrity-in-public-management/.