The Valencian Antifraud Agency held the 3rd edition of the course on “Integrity and prevention in public procurement in the Valencian Community” in collaboration with the IVAP

The Valencian Antifraud Agency held on November 17, 19, 24 and 26, 2020 the 3rd edition of the course on “Integrity and prevention in public procurement in the Valencian Community” in collaboration with the Valencian Institute of Public Administration (IVAP)

The course lasted 20 hours and 22 public employees with functions in the field of public procurement of the Generalitat Valenciana participated in it. The objective of the course is to offer specialized training in prevention and integrity to reduce the risks of corruption in public procurement.

The inauguration held on the 17th was led by the deputy director of the IVAP, Maria Gracia Mateu, and the director of the AVAF, Joan Llinares. Then the Director of Legal Affairs of the Agency, Teresa Clemente, explained the structure and functions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.

On the 19th day, the Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation, Sílvia Vèrnia, referred to the regulatory framework on prevention and integrity in public procurement after having previously screened the documentary “Corruption: harmful agent. Four years later”.

In the November 24 session, the head of the AVAF prevention service, Irene Bravo, addressed integrity in the management of public procurement from the before, during and after the contract. For his part, Miguel Andrés Furió, head of the analysis and investigation service, showed practical examples of malpractice in public contracting.

On the last day, the Professor of Criminal Law at the University of the Basque Country, Norberto Javier de la Mata, offered a vision of the different criminal behaviors in relation to public procurement.

This course is included in the 2020 Training Plan that IVAP offers to public employees at the service of the Generalitat Valenciana and in this year’s edition it has been carried out through the IVAP virtual platform.

More than 150 people participate in the day organized by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency on the occasion of the International Day against Corruption

Valencia, December 10, 2020.- One of the main risks of corruption identified is that which occurs when there is a conflict of interest in the development of public management activity. For this reason and given its importance, the conflict of interest has been the central axis of the conference organized by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency on the occasion of the celebration yesterday, December 9, of the International Day against Corruption.

The conference was held online due to the restrictions imposed by the current health crisis situation and more than 150 people participated in it. In the first part of the day, the Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation, Silvia Vèrnia, presented a new document of reflections on the conflict of interest as a prelude to corruption prepared by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency itself.

Then the Professor of Political Science, Manuel Villoria, gave a presentation in which he focused on the risks of corruption and the consequences derived from the conflict of interest. Likewise, it analyzed how conflict of interest is addressed in different countries of the European Union in aspects such as employment restrictions after termination, concurrent appointments outside the public sector or which case detection systems are used.

Once the lecture by Professor Villoria was over, it was the turn of the director of the AVAF, Joan Llinares, who highlighted the importance of celebrating a day like this so that society becomes aware of the importance of the fight against fraud and Corruption not only with the aim of putting an end to this type of criminal practices, but also to achieve the implementation of ethics and public integrity that allow the progress of our society.

To end the day, some of the questions posed by the participants were addressed through the chat, for which the Director of Legal Services, Teresa Clemente and the Director of Analysis and Research, Gustavo Segura, joined, since some of the questions referred to to specific aspects of its scope of action.

Here we leave you the link to the Reflections on conflict of interest: its ignorance the prelude to corruption as well as the recording of the day that is available on the AVAF YouTube channel.

Editable note in ODT format
Editable note in DOC format
Emission of the Day in Youtube

Unisocietat in Quart de Poblet

On December 2, the Unisocietat program resumed its activity in the town of Quart de Poblet.

Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the training service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, was in charge of presenting the activities carried out by the AVAF to the attending public, who after the presentation held an interesting colloquium on transparency, corruption and tools to fight against fraud.

This program, which is sponsored by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, aims to stimulate debate and the exchange of information to develop mutual learning.