The tender period for the contracting of the psychological care service for whistleblowers of corruption of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency is now open

València, March 5, 2024.- The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has published on the Public Sector Procurement Platform the tender notice for the contracting of the psychological assistance and care service for people who whistleblow corruption.

The Law on the creation of the Agency and the regulation governing the Statute of the Whistleblower of Corruption include the right to psychological support for the person reporting corruption, which also appears in Law 2/2023 regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory and anti-corruption breaches. Specifically, article 37 of this law specifies psychological help among the measures to support these people. This law was enacted in transposition of European Directive 2019/1937, which in its article 20.2 provides that Member States may provide support measures to whistleblowers, including psychological support.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency was the first entity in Spain to offer protection to whistleblowers and at the moment 37 people (one of them legal entities) have been granted the Protection Statute. In the 7 years of experience that the Agency’s staff has accumulated in the care of protection complainants, they have seen how many of these people have been forced to receive psychological treatment in the difficult situations experienced as a result of filing a complaint.

The pressure to which whistleblowers of corruption are subjected is manifested both in the professional sphere, with situations of harassment or mobbing, and in the personal and family sphere.

In order to offer the best psychological care to these people, the Agency puts out to tender the contracting of this service after carrying out a preliminary market consultation, since there is no background that serves as a reference in relation to psychological care for protection whistleblowers.

Contractual services

The contract includes three types of services that will be part of this new service. On the one hand, the psychological support service itself for whistleblowers of corruption, which will consist of a personal and direct support treatment for the person, telematically or in person of up to a maximum of 15 sessions of between 45 and 50 minutes each. In any case, this treatment would cease if the complainant was receiving psychological treatment from the public health system.

The second of the benefits refers to the assistance and accompaniment in the advice and interviews that the Agency’s staff maintains with the complainants in meetings that will last a maximum of 1 hour and a half.

And the third and last of the benefits refers to advising the Agency’s staff in charge of the protection of whistleblowers of corruption to offer them guidelines and tools that help them improve the care of these people with a maximum of 2 sessions per month.

The contract has a duration of 1 year and estimates that 30% of the protected persons, i.e. 10 people, will benefit from this service. The total cost of the contract is 14,883 euros and the deadline for submitting bids ends on March 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m

You can find all the information on the Public Sector Procurement Platform at the following link:!ut/p/b0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjU1JTC3Iy87KtUlJLEnNyUuNzMpMzSxKTgQr0w_Wj9KMyU1zLcvQjS42dTYtCLAzNI3JUDQLMc7zM3UoNgh1tbfULcnMdAd3eBsE!/

The AVAF advances in training with the 4th edition of the course “Prevention of corruption in public administrations” at the INAP


Valencia.- March 4, 2024 

The National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency (AVAF) continue with the training collaboration that began in 2021, with the celebration of the 4th edition of the tutored online course “Prevention of corruption in public administrations” .

70 public employees from the state, regional, local administration and the state public sector have actively followed the training and have participated with their reflections in the forums and conferences.

The 15-hour course allowed students to learn about international and national regulations on the fight against corruption, as well as the work of the authorities in charge of fraud prevention, the IV Open Government Plan and Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, among other matters.

The course, developed between February 12 and March 4, 2024, has had weekly meetings lasting one hour, which have completed the contents of the course and have resolved doubts and expanded information due to the great interest of the students in the ethics and public integrity.

The AVAF teaching team, creator and facilitator of the course, has been made up of Anselm Bodoque, head of the AVAF Training Service, Pilar Moreno and Marita Oliver, training technicians of the Agency.

In this year 2024, due to the high demand for the course accumulated in recent years, the INAP, an international reference in training for personnel employed in the service of public administrations and the AVAF, will continue to collaborate with a new edition, the 5th, of the tutored online course “Prevention of corruption in public administrations” to be held next May.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency offers a workshop on the management of conflict of interest in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana


Valencia, February 29, 2024.

The AVAF and the Generalitat have carried out a workshop-day on management of conflicts of interest between the managers of the Next Generation funds received in the Valencian Community and processed by the departments of the Generalitat.

Carolina Marin, director of European fund programs of the Second Vice Presidency and Department of Social Services, Equality and Housing of the Generalitat Valenciana and organizer of the session, welcomed the day.

In the first part of the day, Anselm Bodoque, head of the Agency’s Training Service, gave an insight into the institutional and public policy system to combat corruption developed in the Valencian Community.

Subsequently, Marita Oliver, technician from the Agency’s Training Service, explained the basic aspects of the information systems contemplated by Law 2/2023 and the experience of the AVAF as a reporting channel.

Finally, the workshop on conflicts of interest was facilitated by Pilar Moreno, AVAF training technician, and in which the Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation of the Agency, Irene Bravo, participated mainly.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has several publications on conflicts of interest, among which the following stand out:

The event was followed by more than 190 people (39 in person and 152 online) and allowed us to delve deeper into the proper management of conflict of interest, understood as the risk situation in which the impartial and objective exercise of the rights can be compromised. functions of the public employee for family, emotional reasons, political affinity, economic interest or for any other direct or indirect reason of personal interest.

The workshop has had the active participation and interest of public servants belonging to various Conselleries and entities of the Valencian instrumental public sector. At the same time, public employees from the municipalities of Castelló, Morella, Vall d’Uixò, Burjassot, Alberic, Gandía, Alberic, Enova, La Pobla de Vallbona, Aras de los Olmos, Picassent have also been present, virtually, Picanya, Altea, Sant Joan d’Alacant, Ibi, Oliva, Gata de Gorgos and Alcoi, belonging to the three provinces of the Valencian Community. Public employees from the cities of Melilla, Murcia, and Vilagarcía de Arousa also followed the training online.

For the second consecutive year, the Generalitat Valenciana and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency cooperate with the aim of increasing training in the face of red flags that may arise in the management of Next Generation funds. From the AVAF we would like to thank the Directorate of European Funds Programs of the Second Vice Presidency and the Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing for their invitation and their management in the organization of this workshop-day.