The State Network of Anti-Fraud Offices and Agencies has held its 6th biannual meeting

Valencia, November 30, 2020.- The State Network of Anti-Fraud Offices and Agencies has held its 6th biannual meeting, which has been held virtually due to the limitations imposed by the current health crisis.

Among the items on the agenda, the current situation regarding the transposition of the European Union Directive 1937/2019 for the protection of complainants has been analyzed, after the meetings held with the Ministry of Justice to deal with This question.

Likewise, it has become aware of the beginning of the work of the Democratic Quality Committee of the Congress of Deputies on two specific areas of the European Directive, such as the guarantee of independence of the control authorities and the protection of persons reporting protection.

Likewise, it has been reported the latest meetings held with the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA), of which 16 states and 22 authorities are members, whose objective is to exchange information and share experiences in relation to the transposition work. of this Directive in each of the countries.

Throughout the meeting, other issues were also discussed, such as the conflict that arises between the necessary transparency and the requirement of confidentiality in the control and investigation bodies, taking into account the need to preserve the identity of the complainants, the presumption of innocence of the accused, as well as the success of the investigation.

In another of the items on the agenda, the Independent Office for the Regulation and Supervision of Procurement (OIReSCon) presented the conclusions of the special reports of Supervision of the emergency processing COVID-19.

Likewise, Andrea Bordoni, head of one of the analysis and investigation areas of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), gave a presentation on the risks of fraud derived from the situation caused by COVID-19 and the emergency spending in the European Structural and Investment Funds.

All those present agreed on the coordination and exchange of information on the COVID funds, both those already employed and those that will be received in the future in terms of hiring and other aid, as well as their monitoring and the continuation of these meetings.

The incorporation of the National Markets and Competition Commission to the Network of Anti-Fraud Offices and Agencies should be highlighted, represented on this occasion by Carlos Balmisa, Director of Internal Control.

The Anti-fraud Office of Catalonia is part of this State Network; the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption in the Balearic Islands; the Office of Transparency and Practical Bones of the Barcelona City Council; the Municipal Office against Fraud and Corruption of the Madrid City Council; the Corruption Prevention Service of the Audience of Accounts of the Canary Islands; the Corruption Prevention Service of the Consello de Contas de Galicia; the Transparency Agency of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona; the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service (SNCA); the Independent Office for Procurement Regulation and Supervision (OIReSCon) and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, which on this occasion was the organizer of the meeting.

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Unisocietat in Bétera

On November 25, the town of Camp de Túria hosted a new training activity within the Unisocietat program. This program, which is sponsored by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, aims to stimulate debate and the exchange of information to develop mutual learning.

On this occasion, Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the training service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, was in charge of presenting the conference entitled “Does this transparency really work, or is it just a fad?” by Lorenzo Cotino Hueso of the Department of Constitutional Law, Political Science and Administration of the University of Valencia.

The Unisocietat program, sponsored by the AVAF, is a project that aims to offer quality multidisciplinary training through classes and conferences given by professors from the University of Valencia.

Unisocietat in Alzira

The director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares. participated on November 24 in a new training activity within the Unisocietat program. This time in the town of Alzira, capital of the Valencian region of Ribera Alta.

Llinares presented the conference entitled “Is justice equal for all? Prevention and punishment of corruption »by the UJI-UV Professor of Criminal Law, Luis González Cussac. After the conference, attendees were able to engage in an enriching discussion with the speaker and the director of the AVAF.

The Unisocietat program, sponsored by the AVAF, was created to sensitize society in general about the value of lifelong learning, highlighting and appreciating the valuable contribution that older people make to society. Stimulating debate and the exchange of information to develop mutual learning.