Castelló de la Plana.- December 15, 2023
The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency (AVAF) co-organized together with the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló (UJI) the conference “Communicating open government: Transparency and integrity in local entities” to discuss the results of the research of the Chair of Public Transparency of the university in matters of transparency and public integrity in Valencian local administrations.
On December 15, the assembly hall of the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences hosted the 3-hour day, with 75 people following in person and online, since the day was broadcast on the You Tube Channel of the UJI.
The inauguration was carried out by Andrea Planchadell, deputy secretary general of the Universitat Jaume I and Joan Llinares, director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.
The conference aimed at university students, as well as public employees of local entities, associations, provincial councils and the Generalitat Valenciana, had as its central conference the explanation of the integrity system of the local entities of the Valencian Community, whose presentation was developed by the director of the AVAF.
Beatriz Tomás and Marta Oller, directors of the UJI Public Transparency Chair, were in charge of presenting the Chair, as well as the results of the research carried out in 2023 on compliance with transparency in the local entities of the Valencian Community. financed by the Generalitat Valenciana.
The day included the participation of various visions on transparency in public integrity in local entities through the holding of a round table, moderated by Jaime Clemente, visiting professor of Constitutional Law at the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona.
In the round table, Izan Puente, graduate of the GAP – UJI degree and junior consultant in public governance, showed how the results of the transparency compliance items had been obtained in the municipalities of the Valencian Community.
For his part, from the AVAF, Anselm Bodoque, head of the Training Service, showed the results obtained by the investigation of the Chair of Public Transparency, in matters of public integrity, and highlighted the low degree of compliance of the local entities of the Valencian Community at the time of the survey (September-October 2023) in regards to the publication of:
- Approval of an anti-fraud measures plan (PMS)
- Preparation of a code of ethics or conduct or adherence to the good governance code of the Consell or another entity.
- Creation of an internal information system (SII) and if it is easily visible on its website,
- Information about the external information system, which in the case of the CV is the AVAF.
- Whether the technology used by the city council for the SII allows the anonymity of the informants.
- Appointment of a natural person or collegiate body as responsible for the system.
Pilar Moreno, AVAF Training technician, in addition to contrasting the survey data with the information that local entities have been providing to the AVAF, presented recommendations for improving the transparency of the integrity system in local entities of the Valencian Community in its exhibition, among which stand out:
- Inclusion in the Anti-Fraud Measures Plan (PMA) of dissemination actions that give it relevance in the organizational culture.
- Dissemination of the organization’s ad intra and ad extra anti-fraud measures plan through communication actions and information campaigns among contractors, associations and citizens.
- Participation of all public employees and elected officials in the preparation of the ethical code.
- Inclusion in the ethical code of the communication and dissemination plan.
- Creation of a visible icon on the home page of the institutional website of the local entity that links to the internal and external information system (AVAF) and the applicable regulations, in a maximum of 3 clicks.
Finally, Lidia García, secretary – auditor of the Vilafranca City Council, showed the reality that small and medium-sized municipalities live and the lack of economic and human resources from which they suffer. In his presentation, he detailed the lack of a culture of transparency and the lack of perception of the importance of integrity in administrations, as well as the steps that are progressively being taken to advance the publicity and dissemination of the rights held by citizens. in terms of transparency.
The AVAF, with these initiatives, maintains its collaboration with the public universities of the Valencian Community and the promotion of public debate on transparency, integrity, prevention of corruption and dissemination of the importance of public ethics and the culture of rejection of fraud. in the public sector. Once again, the Agency’s Training Service is grateful for the continued collaboration that is being developed with the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló.
You can access the recording of the day at the following link
If you wish to have specialized training in integrity and prevention of corruption in your public entity, do not hesitate to write to formacion@antifraucv.es
*Photographs courtesy of the Jaume I University of Castelló